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Minutes from Nov. 12 USAPECS Board Meeting

Below are the minutes from the USAPECS Board Meeting, which was held by teleconference on November 12, 2015.


1) Board Member (Re)Introductions

2) Summary of Activity: Arctic Observing Open Science Meeting

3) Planned Activities: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

4) Future Events

  • Antarctica Day Plans(?)

  • 2016 Conference Plans

  • Winter Webinars


1) Board Member (Re)Introductions: name, affiliation, specialization

  • Alice Bradley, University of Colorado, sea ice

  • Alex Thornton, University of Alaska Fairbanks, walrus ecology

  • Allen Pope, National Snow and Ice Data Center, glaciology

  • Ann Zinkann, University of Alaska Fairbanks, polar ocean microbes

  • Brian Ulaski, University of Alaska Fairbanks, oceanography

  • Ellyn Enderlin, University of Maine, glaciology

  • Olivia Lee, University of Alaska Fairbanks, snow

  • Sara Strey, Northland College, meteorology

  • Mia Bennett, University of California Los Angeles, polar development

2) Arctic Observing Open Science Meeting (17-19 November 2015 in Seattle)

  • Mia & Ellyn reviewed ~40 applications from early career scientists for travel 6 travel awards provided by ARCUS

  • Applications judged based on research interest alignment with the workshop, benefits of attendance, and diversity

  • Informal pub meet-up to be organized during the meeting

3) American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

  • Mia & Sara are organizing a career development panel and pub meet-up with USAPECS member Laura Levy

  • 5 panelists: senior academic, junior academic, private sector (CH2MHill Polar Services), ARCUS, and a congressional fellow

  • panel will be on Wednesday evening, room TBD

  • Mia is designing a flyer to distribute via email, social media, listservs, etc. Allen will distribute it via Yammer.

  • Pub meet-up @ 7:30pm on Wednesday, 16 December, at the Chieftain Pub

  • Interest in an in-person Board meeting if ARCUS will let us use their reserved room

  • Need to contact Hydrology Section chairs to distribute information on the events to their section and coordinate announcements at the Cryosphere Focus Group business meeting and possibly at some of the early career weekend events

  • There will be early entry to the Cryosphere Business Meeting on Tuesday, 15 December

4) Future Events

  • Antarctica Day on December 1st:

  • Sara suggests creating slides that can be distributed as outreach materials

  • Allen suggests compiling a list of volunteers who are interested in giving outreach presentations either remotely or in-person (if local) for Antarctica Day and in the future

  • Ellyn reaching out to Polar Educators International (PEI) on their Facebook page to ask if anyone is interested in having a guest speaker

  • Arctic Systems Science Week:

  • pub meet-up?

  • American Meteorological Society January Meeting:

  • Sara will email the US mailing list to ask if someone wants to organize an informal event (Alice is sending her old emails soliciting similar volunteerism)

  • International Glaciological Society Symposium (10-15 July 2016):

  • IGS President Doug MacAyeal submitted an unsuccessful proposal to NSF requesting funds to hold a science communication workshop for early career scientists the weekend before or after the symposium

  • A working group (Ellyn Enderlin, Allen Pope, Alice Bradley, & Sara Strey)has been established to come up with an action plan based on proposal reviews this winter

  • Winter Webinars:

  • Allen proposed having a webinar on the use of color in figures

  • A series of “broader impacts” webinars was discussed as a way to provide early career scientists with ideas for ways to expand the impacts of their proposals to satisfy the NSF criteria on broader impacts

  • Webinar topics to be discussed at the in-person meeting at AGU


Last updated March 2025

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